Project Update: Court Review

CR Journal
CR Journal

This week, we will learn about the Court Review Journal. Thank you, Eve, for providing the following information about your project.

What is the Court Review Journal?
I’m the co-editor of Court Review, which is the official journal of the American Judges Association. This isn’t technically a CCFL project that brings in money, but it is how I spend a little bit of my time.

Who are the members of the project?
I’m the only person at CCFL who works on this project. Currently, my co-editor is a Kansas Court of Appeals judge. However, I will have four Colorado lower court judges who transition in as my co-editors at the beginning of 2018.

When did the project begin, and how long is it for?
I have been the co-editor since January 2015. I do not know how long I will continue.

What inspired this project/job assignment, and how has it evolved?
Alan Tomkins was the former co-editor and recommended me for the position. I was very humbled and excited to take on the responsibility.

Any challenges in the project/job assignment?
We publish four issues each year. Each time an issue is about to go to print, it feels like we are scurrying to finalize everything. There is also a great deal of reminding authors to get in their revisions and proofs.

What’s the most exciting or best part of getting to work on or being part of this project/job assignment?
The most exciting part is that I get to help researchers by taking their research and putting it in the hands of judges. For example, I worked with Jennie and Kelli and their graduate students to publish a paper on their drug court research project before I started working at CCFL. If any of you have a topic you’d like to explore for publication in Court Review, please let me know!