This week, we will learn about the Court Review Journal. Thank you, Eve, for providing the following information about your project.
What is the Court Review Journal?
I’m the co-editor of Court Review, which is the official journal of the American Judges Association. This isn’t technically a CCFL project that brings in money, but it is how I spend a little bit of my time.
Who are the members of the project?
I’m the only person at CCFL who works on this project. Currently, my co-editor is a Kansas Court of Appeals judge. However, I will have four Colorado lower court judges who transition in as my co-editors at the beginning of 2018.
When did the project begin, and how long is it for?
I have been the co-editor since January 2015. I do not know how long I will continue.
What inspired this project/job assignment, and how has it evolved?
Alan Tomkins was the former co-editor and recommended me for the position. I was very humbled and excited to take on the responsibility.
Any challenges in the project/job assignment?
We publish four issues each year. Each time an issue is about to go to print, it feels like we are scurrying to finalize everything. There is also a great deal of reminding authors to get in their revisions and proofs.
What’s the most exciting or best part of getting to work on or being part of this project/job assignment?
The most exciting part is that I get to help researchers by taking their research and putting it in the hands of judges. For example, I worked with Jennie and Kelli and their graduate students to publish a paper on their drug court research project before I started working at CCFL. If any of you have a topic you’d like to explore for publication in Court Review, please let me know!