Biweekly-Paid Staff: Time Entry Training


Online time entry is being implemented throughout the University. We are expected to GO LIVE by the end of this month. Chris has arranged for all of the biweekly hourly paid staff to receive training on Friday, October 6th. Training will occur in the Training Room at 313 Administration Building on campus. The times available to attend are 9am, 11am, and 2pm. Please go when it is convenient for you.

You will need to bring your current timesheets with you for actual entry into the system. You are asked that before attending training to actually log into your Firefly account. If you have problems with this, please see Chris or contact the UNL ITS Help Desk at 402-472-3970. Also, Chris forwarded an email on 9/19/17 that contained videos to view beforehand. Please watch these in preparation for this training.

It’s very important that you attend this training. From that point forward, Chris will not be entering your time. If your time doesn’t get entered following this training, you will not receive pay. Please contact Chris if you have any questions.