10th Floor Conference Room - Open for Lunch!


The 10th Floor Conference Room has been scheduled every weekday from noon to 1 so anyone can use it to gather for lunch.

Do you need some reasons to leave your desk for a few minutes and eat with your CCFL colleagues? Here are a few:

1) It's good for creativity: https://www.npr.org/sections/thesalt/2015/03/05/390726886/were-not-taking-enough-lunch-breaks-why-thats-bad-for-business

2) It's good for your health: http://www.health.com/home/workday-breaks-help-employees-reboot-researchers-say

3) Your computer keyboard is gross: http://abcnews.go.com/Health/Germs/story?id=4774746

4) Friends don't let friends eat alone: Mark Ells is almost always in there during lunch and he's lonely (see picture).