American Psychology-Law Society Student (AP-LS) Winners!

APLS winners
APLS winners

At the recent AP-LS conference in Memphis, Tennessee, CCFL presenters won two student awards.

Undergraduate CCFL student, Rebecca Human (with co-authors Melanie Fessinger, Katherine Hazen, and Eve Brank), won an outstanding student poster award for her poster entitled: Family Involved Rehabilitation Services Treatment (FIRST) Court: A Program Evaluation. Only three posters were selected for this honor.

Graduate research assistant, Melanie Fessinger (with co-authors, Katherine Hazen and Eve Brank), won a student travel award for her presentation entitled: Stress in the System: Introducing Reflective Practice
to Child Welfare Professionals. The travel awards are given to the 20 students whose proposals received the highest rankings during the conference review process.

Both presentations were based on work the students are doing with the Nebraska Resource Project for Vulnerable Young Children (NRPVYC).