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It will take you less than 3 minutes and the college is publishing percent participation for departments. Let's get CCFL at 100% first!
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This year’s soup-off will take place on Monday, November 19th from 11:30-1:00pm. If you plan to compete in the competition, please email me your recipe by THIS FRIDAY! Continue reading…
The Word on the Street is that everyone had a Happy Halloween. Be on the lookout for the Box file link with all the pictures that were submitted in Halloween costumes. Due to privacy concerns, the Box file link will be sent to the list-serve shortly after the newsletter comes out Monday morning! Continue reading…
Between Oct. 29 and Nov. 16, 2018, you will be permitted to make changes to your benefits plan for 2019. NUFlex enrollment is under the Employee Self Service section of Firefly. We encourage you to enroll early to avoid any last-minute complications. Continue reading…
A BIG shout out to all the Field Training Specialists at CCFL. See why one of their very own has nominated them. Continue reading…
We’ve had some CCFLer’s asking how people are chosen to respond to the Word on the Street question each week. Find out how the process works right here! Continue reading…