This week’s Word on the Street question was:
Do you participate in any holiday baking? What is your favorite treat?
Define “participation” please? :) Well, our house bakes Xmas candy for our ‘neighbors’ as our gift to them and our house as well. Among those are homemade cherry mashes which are pretty darn tasty. –Jeff C.
Yes I do! Angie Graham and I spend an entire 8 plus hours of baking a day or two before our break officially begins. We have our favorites and usually try a few new recipes each year. It’s one of my favorite days and Angie makes my very favorite treat…sugar cookies with frosting that taste like they are from Eileen’s cookies. She has that recipe perfected and it is the best! She doesn’t even like them so makes them just for me. Probably the favorite “treat” that I make is a chex mix recipe that I got from a previous trainee. We keep count each year of how many cookies/treats we end up with and it is usually between 40 and 50 dozen! –Jill K.
I try to do a holiday baking day every year. My favorite holiday treats are candied almonds and pecans. -Jamie
I always participate in the Cookie Exchange here at CCFL that Chris organizes. I do some baking for our family’s Christmas gathering. It’s usually peanut butter blossom cookies, snowcap cookies, and angel food bars. Anything with peanut butter and chocolate is my favorite though. –Stacie Z.
I do not, I am a horrible baker. But my dream would be to master a Spritz cookie recipe. –Alex L.
Not much baking. Dan does the pies. –Barb S.