Annual Reviews


It’s that time of year again. Our annual reviews need to be completed by March 15th. I’ve attached the form to use that is the same one we used last year (see Eve's email on 1/14 for form). This form includes a self-report potion and a portion to complete with an immediate supervisor. Please work with your supervisor to develop the responsibilities section if you do not have a clear job description for your position. As occurred last year, the supervisors will submit their reviews to Kathy and/or Eve who will submit them to the college.

Similar to last year, we are also including the option for supervisees to provide feedback about their supervisor(s). Please follow the link below to complete that piece of the evaluation process (see Eve's email on 1/14 for link). Please complete this feedback by February 1st to ensure adequate time for Eve to compile the information and provide it as feedback to supervisors.