Colleagues and friends are invited to attend the retirement reception of Orville Friesen from 11:30 a.m.-1:30 p.m., Monday, May 5 in the Buros Center for Testing’s library, Teachers College Hall. RSVP to jenny.day@unl.edu by May 1. Orville is CEHS’s “photographer of record” and has been a long-time staff member in the Instructional Design Center at Henzlik Hall. He has been with the University of Nebraska–Lincoln for 45 years serving in a variety of capacities, but always with photography at the core of his work.
“Orville has helped record our history,” said CEHS Dean Marjorie Kostelnik. “He’s seen the highs, he’s seen the lows and all the changes along the way. Orville has been an integral part of events large and small across our college, and his work will live on in UNL’s archives. A hundred years from now, he’ll still be helping people learn something about the days and times of Teachers College and CEHS in this era.”
Valerie Crook, manager of the Instructional Design Center, noted that Orville witnessed much change in his career, going from film and dark rooms to digital photography and Photoshop. She described him as the “oil in the gears” in her shop and had a calming influence as a seasoned member of the team.
“He knows everyone,” Crook said, “and has the history of everything.” That familiarity came from longevity at the university and because of his many connections through his freelance photography business. One of his long-time clients is the University of Nebraska Foundation where he has made many friends and acquaintances.