Congratulations to Jessie Patterson and Austin Oder for receiving the New Century Scholarship from the American Speech Language Hearing Association. Continue reading…
You are invited to attend the following presentations by Paul Grossman sponsored by the Dept of Educational Administration.
Current Trends in Post-secondary Disability Law and Helping Students Transition from High School to College
Welcoming Student Veterans and Wounded Warriors to College Continue reading…
Reece Peterson (SECD) and Julie Honaker (SECD) were recently featured in national media. Continue reading…
The Hospitality, Restaurant, and Tourism Management Advanced Event Planning Students are sponsoring the UNL Hospitality & Industry Meet & Greet on November 20, 2014 from 3:30 - 6:30PM in the Great Plains Ballroom at the East Union. Continue reading…
More details at:
The 11th Annual Chili Cook-Off will be held on Nov 21; 5 - 7:00 PM in the Great Plains Room at the East Campus Union. Continue reading…
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Family Day features music by the marimbistas of Comunidad Maya Pixan Ixim, folkloric dance by Fiesta Mexicana of the Heartland and Orgullo Latino, performances by Lincoln Public Schools Heritage Language students, art-making stations, and traditional foods. Continue reading…
More details at: