There will be some exciting new changes to News You Can Use coming up! The first major change is that News You Can Use will be changing platforms. The newsletter will be built and distributed using MailChimp. Continue reading…
The book Parenting From Afar and the Reconfiguration of Family Across Distance authored by Maria de Guzman, Jill Brown, and Carolyn Edwards has been chosen as the recipient of the 2019 Ursula Gielen Global Psychology Book Award! Continue reading…
More details at:
The last presentation in the Summer Travelogue series will be Philippe Siassia! He will be presenting about his trip to the Republic of Congo. Continue reading…
An ICMEE proposal was accepted for the 2019 MIDTESOL Conference that will be held on Friday, Sept 27 and Saturday, Sept 28 in Omaha, Nebraska. Join us to learn more about the online learning opportunities that ICMEE offers to teachers around supporting multilingual students. Continue reading…
More details at:
CEHS students spent time in various parts of the world this summer. Check out the following list to see where our students traveled. Continue reading…
Beginning this fall, the Barkley Speech Language and Hearing Clinic will offer a specialized speech therapy program to individuals with Parkinson's Disease thanks to a SPEAK OUT!® & LOUD Crowd® Grant from the Parkinson Voice Project. Continue reading…