Be sure to check your email for the CEHS Welcome Back Breakfast invitation and RSVP and also select your CEHS polo shirt size by noon today, Friday, July 26! Continue reading…
The Barkley Speech Language and Hearing Clinic at the University of Nebraska-Lincoln was awarded a 2019 SPEAK OUT!® & LOUD Crowd® Grant from the Parkinson Voice Project to provide speech therapy to individuals with Parkinson’s Disease. Continue reading…
Associate professor Michael Hebert and assistant professor of practice Mackenzie Savaiano are launching a new research project, Project VIEW (Visual Impairments Education in Writing), with the goal of understanding how students with visual impairments in Nebraska are being taught to write. Continue reading…
Sarah Zuckerman, assistant professor of Educational Administration, has published a new study. Continue reading…
In this episode of the ICMEE podcast Brandon and Araceli interview Dr. Nancy Commins, a retired professor in culturally and linguistically diverse education formerly at the University of Colorado-Denver. Come and listen as she shares her knowledge about teaching multilingual learners. Continue reading…
Nick Pace, professor and chairperson of Educational Administration, recently presented the first Principal's Designee Training with Bayard Superintendent and UNL Alum, Dr. Travis Miller. Continue reading…
The OLLI at UNL 2019-2020 year begins with a showcase of courses and an overview of all that the institute has to offer. The Showcase takes place on Friday, August 16, 12:30-4:30 p.m., at Innovation Campus. The event is free and open to the public, but space is limited. Reserve a spot now. Continue reading…
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