The Division G Graduate Student Executive Committee recently launched their first podcast page for the academic year, (Inter)National Social Justice Issues and the Academy (see the attached flyer). As a way to spark conversation regarding the annual conference theme, Toward Justice: Culture, Language, and Heritage in Education Research and Praxis, the Division G Graduate Student Executive Committee is composing a three-part podcast series to survey related topics and focal areas of interest as they pertain to the social contexts of education. Dr. Loukia Sarroub from the University of Nebraska – Lincoln and Dr. Chezare Warren from Michigan State University have started our series by dialoguing about current events in the United States that have sparked national conversations concerning social relations, race, religion, and social justice. Please click on the following link (https://aeradivg.wordpress.com/divgpodcasts/) to listen to the podcast. We hope to continue the conversation on Twitter using #divgchat. As always, please follow us at: http://aeradivg.wordpress.com and/or feel free to contact us at divggrads@gmail.com
Podcast Description: (Inter)National Social Justice Issues and the Academy
In this podcast we welcome Dr. Chezare A. Warren from Michigan State University and Dr. Loukia Sarroub from the University of Nebraska-Lincoln for a conversation about current events in the United States that have sparked national conversations concerning social relations, race, religion, and justice. We focus on the shooting of 18-year-old Michael Brown in Ferguson Missouri and the demonstrations that have followed, as well as the rise of ISIL/ISIS/IS in the Middle East and the US reactions. In considering the cases of the African American and Muslim communities, we are interested in how to use social justice research to address issues of racism, and Islamophobia, and consequently work towards improving the educational and lived experiences of students from both communities. What lessons can we learn from both communities, as we consider how to use social justice research in relation to other marginalization communities?
More details at: https://aeradivg.wordpress.com/divgpodcasts/