CEHS News You Can Use

Epstein Receives IDEA Award

EpsteinBig congratulations to Mike Epstein (SECD) for recieving the university-wide IDEA award for his research in emotional and behavioral disorders that has impacted the assessment and management of children with behavioral and mental health disorders. Read more in the lead story on UNL Today 3/26/15.


UNL to host visiting scholar, symposium address

Dr. Tania GasparInternationally renowned scholar Dr. Tania Gaspar, visiting from Lusiada University of Lisbon in Portugal, will give a symposium address highlighting her work and research on health and well-being in children and adolescents Friday, April 10 at 1:00 p.m. in the Arbor Suites of the East Campus Union. Continue reading…

Originally published April 3, 2015 - Submit an Item