More than 7,100 Nebraskans recently responded to the largest public opinion survey ever conducted in the state about the care and education of young children. Findings of the Buffett Early Childhood Institute/Gallup Survey on Early Childhood Care and Education in Nebraska will be shared March 29. Continue reading…
The 2016 CYFS Conversation Series continues March 11. Join fellow researchers for a discussion on team-based scientific research from 12-1 p.m. in the Nebraska Union. The series is free, open to the public and requires no registration. Continue reading…
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Sheree Moser, CYAF Assistant Professor of Practice, has earned the Nebraska Family, Career and Community Leaders of America (FCCLA) Distinguished Service Award. Continue reading…
The University of Nebraska State Museum’s March 13 Sunday with a Scientist program will feature Steven Barlow, Corwin Moore Professor in Special Education and Communication Disorders. Catering to children and families, it will explore how scientists uncover the inner workings of the brain. Continue reading…
Led by Dr. Natalie Williams, this project provides massage therapy to caregivers during the first three weeks of their child’s inpatient rehabilitation at Madonna.
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