Graduate courses in brain imaging research on language and literacy available for Fall 2018


Yingying Wang, assistant professor in the Department of Special Education & Communication Disorders, has a pair of two-credit courses for the Fall 2018 semester available to graduate students focusing on brain imaging research relative to language and literacy.

The first, Reading and Research: Language & Literacy (SLPA 896, section 002), will meet from 5-6 p.m. on Wednesdays in room 302 of the Barkley Center. This course is designed to address the cognitive processes associated with language and literacy acquisition. Past and current research in language and literacy will be discussed with a connection to neuroimaging methods (EEG, MEG, fMRI, fNIRS, etc.). Various topics include analysis of scientifically based research on language and literacy, brain development during language and literacy acquisition, and reading intervention.

Wang's second course, Seminar in Speech Pathology: Neuroimaging & Language Disorders (SLPA 981, section 002), will meet from 3-4:40 p.m. on Wednesdays in room 302 of the Barkley Memorial Center. The goal of this research seminar course is to broaden graduate students' interest in brain research and connect brain research with current clinical practice in the field of speech-language pathology.

For more information about either of the courses, contact Yingying Wang at