Kendra Marker, office associate in the Office of Professional Experiences, has been selected as the latest CEHS Staff Council Staff Star Award recipient. Due to staff vacancies in the office, Marker was challenged this past semester to fill some gaps. The coworker who submitted the Star Award nomination said Marker stepped up in a big way.
“She willingly accepted the challenge and demonstrated that she is most definitely a star, by going the extra mile. Kendra's ability to not only keep the office functioning while short staffed but also move initiatives forward and improve current processes has been nothing short of amazing. She has taken the extra work and responsibility and gone above and beyond the call of duty to not only complete those jobs, but improve them so, resulting in higher quality output.”
Taking on that extra work was apparently not overwhelming for the native of Monroe, Nebraska, as she continues to “welcome new challenges and embrace opportunities to expand her skills.”
The nominator also mentioned Marker’s ability to innovate and streamline processes and procedures in the office, including converting reporting processes from paper to electronic. However, it is Marker’s dedication to serving students that was most admired and appreciated by her nominator.
“The dedication to providing service to those needing assistance with certification, a placement, directions to a classroom, wanting to talk with someone about financial aid, you name it—her patience and willingness to listen to a student's story and try to connect them with the correct point of contact never waivers. It is one of Kendra's strongest skills, and in our office, one of the most valued. Kendra has demonstrated time and time again this semester, her willingness and dedication to make sure the service to students doesn't suffer and for that she is certainly a CEHS Star!”
Congratulations to Kendra Marker, the April CEHS Staff Star Award recipient. To nominate a staff member for a future award, please visit the Staff Council webpage to fill out the online nomination form.