Internal funding available through annual universitywide competitions

CYFS is available to help faculty conceptualize and develop grant-funded research.
CYFS is available to help faculty conceptualize and develop grant-funded research.

Internal funding opportunities are available to faculty through the University of Nebraska-Lincoln’s Office of Research and Economic Development and Research Council.

Among the Research Council competitions are the Faculty Seed, Grants-in-Aid and Interdisciplinary opportunities. Funding amounts vary. The submission deadline for these three opportunities is Friday, Oct. 12.

Layman Awards provide funding for projects that enhance the grantee’s ability to obtain external funding to support prominent scholarly work.

Layman Seed grants provide funding for projects by non-tenured, early career faculty. New Directions awards provide funding for tenured faculty who are re-entering research or branching into new directions.

The maximum funding amount for Layman opportunities is $10,000.

To learn more about the available internal funding opportunities, visit

CEHS offers an internal review process for both Layman awards. The internal review deadline is Oct. 12. Proposals for both Layman opportunities must be fully routed and approved in NUgrant by 5 p.m. Friday, Nov. 9.

CYFS is available to help faculty conceptualize and develop grant-funded research. Contact Julie Gillmor, proposal development coordinator, at or 402-472-1947 to discuss CYFS support for your grant applications and proposals.