Jared Stevens, graduate research assistant in educational psychology, led the first spring semester presentation of the 2018-19 Methodology Applications Series Feb. 1.
His presentation, “Collecting Your Own Data: Improving Data Quality through Qualtrics Survey Design,” is now available on video.
View the video at https://go.unl.edu/bqt2
During his presentation, Stevens provides an introduction to Qualtrics, a data collection platform widely used by businesses, schools and individuals. He demonstrates how to build different types of questions and surveys to address components of Total Survey Error (TSE) to improve data quality.
He also explains how to edit survey options and tools, and provide recommendations for distributing surveys and collecting data.
The next presentation in the series will be Friday, March 29, led by Marc Goodrich, assistant professor of special education and communication disorders. His presentation will be from noon to 1:30 p.m. in the Nebraska Union Georgian Suite.
Learn more at http://mapacademy.unl.edu/training/2019/marc-goodrich/
The Methodology Applications Series is sponsored by CYFS’ Nebraska Academy for Methodology, Analytics and Psychometrics. Learn more about the MAP Academy at http://mapacademy.unl.edu
More details at: https://go.unl.edu/8wf6