CEHS Staff Open Starts Monday!

CEHS Annual Open Starts Monday!
CEHS Annual Open Starts Monday!

Q: Why did the CEHS golfer cross the green?
A: To meet CEHS staff on the other side.

Next Monday, March 18 and Tuesday, March 19 (during Spring Break), CEHS staff will have the opportunity to visit CEHS offices, meet other CEHS staff where they work, and also pick up a golf club and try their luck at nine different holes (see below) in the inaugural CEHS Staff Open. All CEHS staff are invited to participate!

Buros Center
Hole Location: TEAC 21

Educational Psychology
Hole Location: TEAC 114

Instructional Design Team/Educational Administration
Hole location: TEAC 138

Student Services
Hole Location: HENZ 116

Pixel Lab
Hole location: HENZ 123

Child, Youth and Family Studies
Hole Location: 205 LPH

City Campus Dean’s Office/Business Team
Hole Location: Atrium next to 231B LPH

East Campus Dean’s Office/Business Team
Hole Location: HECO 105

Nutrition and Health Sciences
Hole Location: LEV 110

Holes will be open from 10:00 – 2:00 pm both Monday and Tuesday. Golfers may choose to play all the holes in one day or spread it out over two days. Two golfers selected by random draw will receive Amazon gift cards.

There will also be two awards given for "best hole" as voted on by the golfers. The hole getting the most votes will win $50 toward a pizza party. The hole in second place will get $25 toward a snack break of some sort.

It will be fun to see what everyone has created for the holes. We hope to post pictures on social media and include them on the CEHS Staff Council page on Facebook. Stay tuned for the results!