Belmont & Goodrich Community Learning Centers are hiring!


Belmont Elementary and Goodrich Middle School Community Learning Centers are looking to hiring some solid individuals for our sites. I was hoping that you would be able to spread the word to some of your students, civic engagement certificate scholars, or perhaps include these openings in the newsletter. I've written up a summary of the information on the openings below:

Both sites are in need, but particularly Goodrich. Goodrich will be losing their Site Supervisor at the end of the semester, and the Director, Lindsay Limbach, is looking for two people to split the Site Supervisor's duties. They would need to be available Monday-Friday from about 1 or 2-5:30. In this role, they would be doing administrative work, but also supervising students during after school time, and will be asked to lead clubs after school. An ideal Site Supervisor will be able to manage a classroom, handle strong behaviors, work well with other staff members, and be able to relate to and build relationships with kids.

At Belmont, preferred candidates that are also available every day (except for Tuesday-- we do not have clubs this day) from about 2 or 2:30-4:30. At Belmont, candidates would also be leading clubs after school. At both sites, we have a variety of clubs-- from art to writing to STEM to dance to tennis to nutrition. Staff are also encouraged to create their own clubs based on their own interests and the needs of the students.

Community Learning Centers focus on three areas: smart kids, thriving families, and strong neighborhoods. While afterschool programming focuses on creating smart kids, our staff has the opportunity to participate in the family and neighborhood components as well by attending things like neighborhood meetings and family nights. This job looks GREAT on a resume, and both sites have awesome staff members, and an incredible boss!

More details at: