Embark on a transformative journey in "Improv Skills for Business and Life" (MNGT 398-952), designed to empower you with tools for success in both professional endeavors and personal growth. Julie Uribe, Emmy Award-winning producer, teaches you to embrace spontaneity in a supportive environment.
The course merges the principles of improvisational theater with real-world applications, fostering creativity, adaptability, and effective communication. Through engaging exercises and interactive sessions, you'll sharpen your spontaneity, enhance problem-solving abilities, and gain the confidence to navigate the unpredictable nature of business and life.
The course creates a supportive environment where students can explore their potential, build strong interpersonal skills, and discover the impact of improvisation on enhancing leadership, teamwork, and resilience. Embark on a journey, unlocking your potential for success in every facet of your life.
Course dates: February 23, 24, March 1, and 2. Enroll via MyRed by searching MNGT 398-952. Please reach out to Mallory at mkrenk2@unl.edu with any questions.
More details at: https://business.unl.edu/promo/pop-up/