ECEC offers fall programs and services

The Engineering and Computing Education Core (ECEC) is offering a variety of programs and services to faculty in the college this fall.

1. Learning by Design

This program is designed for faculty who are preparing to teach a new course for the first time and/or who want to re-envision a course they already have experience teaching. Participants in the program will learn about fundamental course design principles and apply them to the design of a new course or the partial/full re-design of an existing course. Necessary books and lunch will be provided. Registration deadline is Sept. 15.

2. Peer Observation of Teaching

This program helps participants by conducting observations and providing an objective source of formative feedback for self-evaluation. Faculty in the program will pair up to observe each others' courses using the COPUS protocol. Each faculty member participating in this program will receive a detailed individualized report on their teaching based on the results of the observation. Registration deadline is Sept. 19.

3. College of Engineering Faculty Teaching Fellows

We are launching a new comprehensive teaching-focused professional development program that includes comprehensive course redesign, peer observation, a faculty learning community, and instructional design support. Please indicate your interest in this program through the website below, preferably by Sept. 15.

4. Course and Syllabus review

The ECEC is excited to offer COE faculty an opportunity for a syllabus and course review. Our syllabus review focuses on best practices, college recommendations, and institutional recommendations. Our Course design review is a thorough process in which we will provide recommendations based on evidence-based practices. We go through the Canvas site and provide you with specific and detailed recommendations or confirm that your course design follows best practices. No deadline; contact us anytime!

To register and for more information, visit or contact Dr. Tareq Daher,