Register for Get Moving in 2020 challenge

The College of Engineering Staff Council’s Wellness Committee is challenging you to “Get Moving in 2020.”

To support and facilitate this effort, the committee will be holding a challenge throughout the month of February, where participants will be asked to create their own wellness goals based off their current fitness levels. Participants will create goals that are S.M.A.R.T. – specific, measurable, attainable, relevant, and time-bound. At the end of each week, participants will be asked to fill out a webform to log their activity and indicate whether they have met their goal.

Throughout this challenge, our committee will be conducting a myriad of activities to support participants in their endeavors. For those who participate, this is an opportunity to focus on your wellness while competing with those in our community for a variety of fabulous prizes.

Small prizes, which include Hydroflasks and resistance band sets, will be raffled off each week to participants who submit their progress via a webform. Larger prizes, including a Fitbit Versa, Apple AirPods, and Bowflex Interchangeable Weights, will be awarded at an end-of-challenge celebratory event on Friday, March 6 from 2-3 p.m. in the Othmer Hall (City Campus) and PKI (Scott Campus) lobbies.

There will also be 15-minute voluntary walking sessions twice daily at 10 a.m. and 3 p.m., for any and all who wish to participate.

In order to participate in the “Get Moving in 2020” challenge, please fill out the registration webform (link below) by Sunday, Feb. 2.

Please feel free to direct any questions to Ashley West:

More details at: