Master of Engineering Management ranked among top programs

MEM Grads, August 2021
MEM Grads, August 2021

The Master of Engineering Management (MEM) is ranked #3 in the top 56 MEM programs nationwide. The MEM is a professional master's degree designed to help engineering, science, and technology industry professionals to advance in their careers by pursuing graduate education while continuing to work full time.

The program is delivered asynchronously online and has students who pursue their degree from across the nation as well as internationally, with students in Europe, the Middle East, Guam, and elsewhere. Courses are designed in collaboration with expert instructional technologists from ECEC and follow best practices in online teaching and learning pedagogy.

The MEM was certified in December 2020 by the American Society for Engineering Management (ASEM) after major revisions were made to align its curriculum with the Engineering Management Body of Knowledge (EMBOK) as proposed by ASEM. It is one of only eight programs certified by ASEM.

The MEM is ranked 21st by U.S. News and World report in the Best Online Masters in Engineering category and is also ranked among the top 10 by several other ranking entities such as College Consensus, Grad Schools Hub, Great Business Schools, and College Choice.

With 90 students currently enrolled, the MEM program has grown 114% in the last four years (up from 42 in fall 2017).

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