Friday’s EITS series offers strategies to curb digital distractions in classrooms

Abraham (Abe) Flanigan.
Abraham (Abe) Flanigan.

The Engineering and Computing Education Core (ECEC) Fall Excellence in Teaching Series continues Friday, Sept. 24 via Zoom with a noon-1 p.m. session – “Strategies to Curb Digital Distraction in College Classrooms” - led by Abe Flanigan, assistant professor of educational psychology at Georgia Southern University.

Student use of mobile technology for off-task purposes (a phenomenon commonly referred to as “digital distraction”) has become commonplace in college classrooms across the globe.

This workshop will provide attendees with an overview of the digital distraction phenomenon and introduce strategies that can be used to curb the prevalence of student digital distraction in college classrooms.

For EITS session dates, times and details or to register, click the link below. If you seek further information, contact ECEC Director Tareq Daher at

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