OS Communications Summit is Tuesday

Every other year, the U.S. Department of Energy Office of Science’s Office of Communications and Public Affairs (OCPA) hosts a communications summit for our national lab, university, and Office of Science colleagues about a timely area of science communication.

On Tuesday, Oct. 26, OCPA will host the next such summit, “Engaging the Public in Discovery Science.” The summit, set for 10 a.m.-4:30 p.m. will explore:

  • What is discovery science, and does the communication of discovery science differ from other science communication?
  • What are our goals in communicating about the research portfolio of the Office of Science? What strategies have we developed to reach those goals? Who are our audiences? How are we measuring our success?
  • Discussion will include the content mix (narrative, video, multimedia), communication platforms (news releases, Twitter, web, other), branding, and accessibility (both in terms of where our information is disseminated and in how understandable it is)

OCPA expects the discussions to form the basis of recommendations to senior SC program leadership.

Those who register will receive emails with more information about the event as details are finalized. Register at the link below.

More details at: https://forms.office.com/Pages/ResponsePage.aspx?id=NqikGzWj7EO4MlaPJ5rlhEzWPidPPKFNuvJTkCkaPO1URTFPRjc3RjdFRktFS1NOUFBWUEswQjFIOS4u