Faculty and staff are invited to join Dean Lance C. Pérez for cocktails, heavy hors d’oeuvres and the company of your coworkers and peers at the Dean’s Annual Holiday Party, Thursday, Dec. 7, 6-8 p.m. at Round the Bend Steakhouse in Ashland. Register by Monday, Nov. 27. Continue reading…
The college's gift drive runs now through Friday, Dec. 15. The focus is on new (or barely worn) socks, as they are one of the most requested items from helping agencies. Bring socks to PKI (ESS area) or Othmer 114. Contact: jengebretson2@unl.edu
The College of Engineering’s next Inclusive Excellence Lunch session – Friday, Dec. 1 from noon-1 p.m. – will focus on helping students with disabilities on Scott Campus, with Jen Papproth, UNO’s executive director of accessibility and healthy living. Join in 114D Othmer Hall, 100A PKI or on Zoom. Continue reading…
The next Durham School Lunch-and-Learn session – featuring Andy Blaszak, general manager at Associated Fire Protection, on the topic “Fire Protection Engineering: Overview and Opportunities” – is Friday, Dec. 1, from 12:15-1:15 p.m. in PKI 160/Nebraska Hall 175/via Zoom. Continue reading…
Chris Tuan, professor of civil and environmental engineering, will be honored for 29 years of service at a retirement event on Friday, Dec. 1. The reception is scheduled to begin at 3:30 p.m. in PKI 250 on Scott Campus.
UNL faculty planning to submit a proposal to the NSF Faculty Early Career Development (CAREER) Program are invited to attend a workshop hosted by ORED on Wednesday, Dec. 6 from 11 a.m.-2:30 p.m. in the Nebraska East Campus Union, Prairie Suite. Registration required by Saturday, Dec. 2. Continue reading…
Engineering researchers are invited to join colleagues from across the University of Nebraska in the Research Jam at the Nebraska Union, Jan. 9-10 to explore opportunities for transdisciplinary collaboration around arthropods and Grand Challenges. Register at the link below by Friday, Dec. 8. Continue reading…
A look at research funding opportunities available to Nebraska Engineering researchers and students.
ARPA-E is seeking concept paper submissions by Jan. 5, 2024 at 9:30 a.m., for the Inspiring Generations of New Innovators to Impact Technologies in Energy (IGNIITE) program, DE-FOA-0003224. The IGNIITE program will support early-career innovators seeking to convert disruptive and unconventional ideas into impactful new technologies across the full spectrum of energy applications. Submit questions by email to ExchangeHelp@hq.doe.gov or learn more online at: https://arpa-e-foa.energy.gov/Default.aspx#FoaId33bab827-1f03-4c34-9594-4e79d2b05033
If you have information about programs offering grant programs, forward that to Karl Vogel or JS Engebretson.
In the News, Nov. 27, 2023
In the News: Nov. 27, 2023
Highlights from the Nebraska Engineering community who have received recent media recognition:
Bonita Sharif is featured in interview and video by Tobii, a global leader in eye tracking and a pioneer of attention computing. https://go.unl.edu/czwx
If you know of someone who has been featured in the media, contact Karl Vogel – kvogel2@unl.edu – so it can be included in future editions.
Achievements, Nov. 27, 2023.
Achievements, Nov. 27, 2023
In the latest installment of this recurring feature, which appears in the COE Update on the third Monday of each month, we recognize recent accomplishments, awards and honors earned by our faculty, staff and students:
Rahul Purandare has three papers accepted to conferences or journals that are co-authored with graduate students from IIIT-Dehli. https://go.unl.edu/nkwb
Geoffrey Sanderson, a sophomore architectural engineering major, received the ASHRAE David C.J. Peters Scholarship. https://engineering.unl.edu/kudos/230901/dsaec_sanderson_scholarship/
Seth Daup, a junior computer engineering major, was selected to the Clifton Builders Program. https://go.unl.edu/45m9
Doug Doerr (civil engineering) was elected as next president and CEO of SCS Engineers. https://go.unl.edu/93xb
Contact Karl Vogel – kvogel2@unl.edu – with submissions to Achievements so it can be included in future editions.
Calendar for Nov. 27, 2023.
Calendar / Events
Events of interest for College of Engineering faculty and staff: