September 2024 ASEE Midwest Section Conference Updates

ASEE Midwest Section Members,

We hope your semester is wrapping up and you are looking forward to a break. Here are a few updates for the ASEE Midwest Section:

1. The ASEE Midwest Section Conference will be held Sept. 8-10 in Lawrence, Kansas. The website for the conference is live and ready for paper submissions. The submission deadline is July 15.
Call for Papers:
Conference Website:

2. The division has awards for both teaching and service. Each campus is encouraged to submit nominees. The deadline for nominations is July 31.
Award Nomination Details:

3. We have started a section newsletter, and the May issue is available. We encourage members to consider contributing campus updates and engineering education short articles for future issues.

4. We have a LinkedIn group. Please join us for any updates. All those interested in engineering education in the Midwest are welcome.

We encourage you to share this information with others on your campus and colleagues at other institutions.

Sara Wilson, Ph.D.
Chair, ASEE Midwest Section
Associate Professor and Graduate Director, Mechanical Engineering
Core Faculty, Bioengineering
University of Kansas