Highlights from the Nebraska Engineering community who have received recent media recognition:
- ARPA-E IGNIITE award helps Jun Wang develop ‘disruptive’ semiconductor technology. https://engineering.unl.edu/news/240821/ece/wang_igniite/
- Nirnimesh Ghose explores ways to secure Ag-IoT technology. https://engineering.unl.edu/news/240820/soc/ag_iot_ghose/
- Robert Dyer’s research seeks to streamline software verification practices for researchers. https://engineering.unl.edu/news/240821/soc/dyer_verification/
- School of Computing, MATC researchers collaborate to improve rail crossing safety using AI. https://engineering.unl.edu/news/240821/soc/matc_rail_crossing/
- Joe Luck featured in article highlighting groundbreaking for NFarms, UNL’s new precision agriculture initiative. https://go.unl.edu/3dra
- NUtech Ventures workshops help campus entrepreneurs. https://news.unl.edu/article/nutech-ventures-workshops-help-campus-entrepreneurs
- NSRI profiles Andrew Harms and his research on signal processing. https://go.unl.edu/mbtv
- Durham School faculty and students’ work in Aqua Africa Build-a-Hut summer program is highlighted by KETV. https://go.unl.edu/85eg
- Nebraska faculty lead conference honing strategies for national ag data network. https://go.unl.edu/xr4w