11/11-15: Nebraska Research Days, various locations on City and East Campus. https://research.unl.edu/fallresearchdays/
11/12: Women in Manufacturing Nebraska’s Careers in Manufacturing presentation and panel discussion, 7 p.m., Kiewit Hall A211. https://events.unl.edu/engineering/2024/11/12/184674/
11/14: COE Graduate Programs Information Session, noon, via Zoom. https://engineering.unl.edu/graduate-programs/online-info-sessions/
11/15: Nebraska MEM Information Session, noon-1 p.m., via Zoom. https://unl.zoom.us/j/98375799581
11/22: DSAEC Distinguished Lecture, Nima Rahbar: “An Enzymatic Carbon-Negative Structural Material,” 12:15 p.m., PKI 160, Kiewit Hall A253 or via Zoom. https://engineering.unl.edu/durhamschool/durham-school-distinguished-lecture/
11/27-29: Thanksgiving break (university offices closed 11/28-29).