Annual COE Gift Drive extended to Wednesday

Annual COE Gift Drive extended to Wednesday at noon.
Annual COE Gift Drive extended to Wednesday at noon.

Thanks to all who have donated thus far to the college gift drive to benefit the student pantries at UNL and UNO. If you haven’t yet participated, we’re still accepting donations until Wednesday, Dec. 13 at noon.

Boxes are located in the Dean’s Office areas (City Campus and Scott Campus) and in the academic departments.

HHH Pantry:

* Applesauce
* Canned fruit / fruit cups
* Jelly / jam
* Instant potatoes
* Rice
* Pancake mix
* Toilet paper / paper towels
* Feminine hygiene items
* Toothbrushes
* Toothpaste

MAV Pantry:

The UNO pantry partners with Trader Joe’s to provide healthy, organic and culturally sensitive items. The below graphic outlines their specific needs, along with the following:

* Individually wrapped toilet paper / paper towels
* Feminine hygiene products