Research Reminders

From Mark Riley:

I invite you to participate in the final brown bag discussion on research – Wednesday, Dec. 13 in 219 Chase. “Brown bag” means that you bring your own lunch if you so desire.

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I would like for you to be aware of the NSF Big Ideas program that includes a number of cross-disciplinary topics that can build on much of the COE Faculty innovation.

I encourage you to pursue the information provided by NSF as these will likely share future RFPs. We should consider these for future directions for COE Research.

At the link below is the Dear Colleague letter from ENG/CMMI, which lists topical areas of:

*Work at the Human-Technology Frontier: Shaping the Future;

*Navigating the New Arctic;

*Harnessing the Data Revolution for 21st Century Science and Engineering; and

*Understanding the Rules of Life: Predicting Phenotype.



Document Number: nsf18029

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NSF has a new program titled Re-entry to Active Research Program (RARE), which is designed to support tenured / tenure-track faculty who are returning from a hiatus from active research. The program provides $100k of support per year for one to three years.

The RARE investigator must demonstrate a substantial decrease in research metrics that result from the research hiatus to receive a confirmation of eligibility. The metrics must be communicated to a RARE program director to receive an e-mail confirmation of eligibility.

Program Title: Re-entry to Active Research Program (RARE)

The program solicitation:

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The University of Nebraska National Strategic Research Institute (NSRI) is one of 13 Department of Defense University Affiliated Research Centers, and has unique research facilities and a collaborative environment to offer faculty competitive advantages in pursuing defense-related funding.

To accelerate defense-related research growth, the Office of Research and Economic Development has established NGUARD – Nebraska Growing University Activity for Research in Defense. NGUARD offers information and services you will need to successfully navigate sponsored research opportunities at the Departments of Defense, the Department of Homeland Security and other agencies.

On the website (link below), you will find stories about innovative Nebraska defense-related research and information on research capabilities, facilities and partnerships that can benefit your research.

NGUARD can connect you with the experts in the Office of Research and Economic Development, who can help you find research opportunities and understand different agencies’ requirements. This site offers links to ORED staff with expertise in proposal development, export control and other services aimed at the needs of researchers seeking defense-related funding.

To learn more about how NGUARD can benefit your research, contact Dr. Christopher Bohn at or 402-472-1803.


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There is a new course developed for the challenge grant for Science for Educators. It will be offered this Spring Semester:

“Agri 896: Grand Challenges, Wicked Problems: The Case of Climate Viability” is an online distance course that is part of a series designed to address the question, “How do we teach educators to work with and address complex dilemmas in their teaching?”

The course investigates the concepts of Grand Challenges and Wicked Problems and explores tools that can help to tame them. The content of the course is designed to be applicable to your work in your community.

For more information, contact Dr. Matthew Douglass, 149A Hardin Hall at