RESEARCH REMINDERS: Travel funding, startup extensions, and a new look for website

The new look for the College of Engineering Research web site.
The new look for the College of Engineering Research web site.

Need funding to travel to a sponsor to discuss research funding or to present your research at a national or International program?

COE has funding available for faculty travel on research missions. The college can provide up to $750 per trip with 50% cost share from the faculty member’s home department. See

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Please submit start-up funds extension requests to the Dean’s Office, attention of Mark Riley, associate dean for Research ( with a copy to Kathy Glenn, director of Administration ( Requests should be submitted as a hard and electronic letter no later than three months prior to the startup expiration date.

In general, such requests should not be longer than two pages.

The Dean’s Office, at its discretion, may approve start-up extensions beyond the original expiration date. Such approval is not automatic and will be evaluated on a case-by-case basis, taking into account the faculty member’s justification for the request, the rate at which funds have been spent to date, and the faculty member’s intended use of the funds. Faculty members must review and confirm their remaining start-up balance to ensure accuracy with any extension request.

For more information, see:

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COE has made a number of substantial changes to the Research website to provide up-to-date information on events, projects and activities.

• Student Opportunities, reachable from a drop down at the Research page or at: This site has been reconfigured to help students and potential students see opportunities to perform research in COE faculty laboratories, in UNL programs, and national programs (like REU’s, National Laboratories, etc). When a faculty member posts a student opportunity, it appears on this page and on their own personal faculty page. Each faculty member can add and delete their own opportunities (Matt Honke can show individuals how). As the number of faculty laboratory opportunities grow, we will continue to re-organize.

• Research Calendar (bottom of the Research page, includes upcoming research events like seminars, workshops, and application deadlines. We are seeking input from COE faculty and staff to update these events to help publicize your activities to the college and beyond. We encourage you to include announcements of graduate student dissertation defenses, faculty interviews, and additional open activities. Each COE department has a website coordinator who can add events to the calendar. Matt Honke <> is the COE contact for technical difficulties.