ACHIEVEMENTS: Faculty, students, alums gain honors

The master’s thesis of recent Civil Engineering graduate Deanna Ringenberg and co-authored by Bruce Dvorak, professor of Civil Engineering, earned the 2018 American Water Works Association (AWWA) Small Systems Division Best Paper Award. AWWA defines small systems as those that serve less than 10,000 people. Ringenberg will be presented a plaque during the AWWA conference in Las Vegas this summer.

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Three Biological Systems Engineering faculty – John Hay, Nicole Iverson and Santosh Pitla – were honored with awards March 2 at the Holling Family Award Program for Teaching Excellence. Hay, an extension educator, was among three University of Nebraska-Lincoln faculty to receive Senior Faculty Teaching Excellence Awards. Iverson and Pitla, assistant professors of Civil Engineering, were among four university faculty to receive Junior Faculty Teaching Awards.

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Two Biological Systems Engineering faculty – Derek Heeren and Yufeng Ge – have been chosen by the American Society of Agricultural and Biological Engineers (ASABE) to receive one of the group’s most prestigious awards. Heeren, assistant professor, will receive the A.W. Farrall Young Educator Award. Ge, assistant professor, will receive the New Holland Young Researcher Award.

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A team of eight Durham School construction management students – one graduate student, four seniors, and three juniors mentored by Brandon Kreiling, assistant professor of practice in Construction Management – recently brought home a Merit Award in the ASC Region 6 & 7 National Student Competition in Reno, Nevada. It was the first time in more than 10 years that a Scott Campus team was fielded for this event. The Nebraska team competed in the Integrated Project Delivery competition.

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Suat Irmak, professor of Biological Systems Engineering, and Meetpal Kukal, a doctoral student in Biological Systems Engineering, published a paper that investigated long-term spatio-temporal climate impacts on crops grown within counties in the Great Plains region. The paper, which was published in Nature Scientific Reports, examined impacts on agriculture in all 834 counties in the region.

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Kathryn Stolee, who received three Computer Science and Engineering degrees at the University of Nebraska-Lincoln and is now an assistant professor at North Carolina State University, received a Faculty Early Career Development award from the National Science Foundation (NSF). NSF will provide $500,000 in funding over five years in support of her project, “On the Foundations of Semantic Code Search.” Her research uses semantic code search to help developers find code for reuse or for repairing broken code.