RESEARCH ROUNDUP: Grants workshops, Faculty Connector & Fall Fair

A mini-workshop on preparing and submitting proposals for the NSF Smart & Connected Communities (SCC) program is being planned from 11:30 a.m. to 5 p.m. on Wednesday, Oct. 24, 2018 at the Great Plains Room in the Nebraska East Union. 

The workshop is designed to bring together an inter-disciplinary group of researchers in the engineering, computing, educational, and social sciences to form research teams for discussing potential research ideas that can mature into strongly competitive full-proposals for future submission to the NSF SCC program. 

The NSF SCC program is a cross-directorate program and requires that each SCC proposal incorporate technological and social dimensions of smart and connected communities and include meaningful community engagement within the project.

For further information, contact Sunil Narumalani (, Mark Riley ( or Deb Hamernik (

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Monday is the proposal deadline for faculty interested in participating in Nebraska Research’s November Research and Creative Activity Slam. Faculty who are interested in delivering a 10-minute presentation on their research or creative activities at the Nov. 8 Faculty Connector – 4-6 p.m. in Wick Alumni Center Great Hall – are encouraged to submit a 90-second video proposal that answers the question: “If you had no limit to the amount of funding you could request, what project would you pitch?” Instructions for submitting a proposal are available on line at:

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The University of Nebraska-Lincoln’s Fall Research Fair will be Nov. 6-8 on City Campus, with most events held in the Nebraska Union. For more information about the Research Fair and for a complete schedule, click the link below

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A two-day grant proposal workshop is set for Nov. 12-13 at the Scott Conference Center on the Scott Campus in Omaha. This intensive two-day grant proposal workshop is geared towards those who wish to strengthen their grant writing skills, as well as beginners who wish to acquire and master the techniques of preparing and writing winning proposals to various funding agencies. The focus will be on how to effectively write proposals in times of keen competition and limited resources. Workshop fee is $595 and includes a comprehensive directory, electronic workbook, certificate of completion and continental breakfast.
Go to for more information or to register.
If you cannot attend the workshop in person, an online version is available on Thursday, Oct. 24 for $335. Go to for more information about this option.