The College of Engineering is on the move, literally, this fall.
As part of the plans to begin demolition of “The Link” between Nebraska Hall and Scott Engineering Center, two departments on City Campus – Civil Engineering and Electrical and Computer Engineering – have moved to Nebraska Hall.
Civil Engineering’s department office is now in Nebraska Hall W181, with faculty offices also moving – some to first floor Nebraska Hall and some to the Prem S. Paul Research Center (formerly Whittier School) at 22nd and Vine streets.
Faculty and department offices for Electrical and Computer Engineering have been relocated to the fourth floor, east side of Nebraska Hall. The department offices for ECE are in Nebraska Hall 419.
Come and visit us in our new locations and go to our Construction Central web page – https://engineering.unl.edu/construction-central/ – for the latest updates on the College of Engineering’s expansion and construction projects.
More details at: https://engineering.unl.edu/construction-central/