Register for Google Summer of Code 2020

Register for Google Summer of Code 2020.
Register for Google Summer of Code 2020.

Google Summer of Code is a program that allows students to contribute to development of open-source projects, mentored by participating organizations.

Particle physics is an exciting field where large collaborations of scientists collect and analyze petabytes of data from high-energy physics experiments, such as the Large Hadron Collider, hosted at the CERN laboratory in Geneva, Switzerland. Some of the questions that we collectively ask are:
• What are the fundamental blocks that make up our Universe?
• What is the nature of dark matter and dark energy?
• What is the nature of the asymmetry between matter and antimatter?
• What was early Universe like?

To answer these questions, particle physicists build software to simulate and analyze what happens in particle physics detectors.

The CERN software for experiments (CERN EP-SFT) group has participated in the GSoC since 2011. Since 2017 the program has expanded to involve the high-energy physics community under the umbrella of the HEP Software Foundation.

Information from last year’s GSoC can be found here.

GSoC 2020
In 2020 HSF is participating in the program as a GSoC umbrella organization. Project proposals are listed below.

For Students
If you are interested in the GSoC program, please start by having a look at our guidelines for students.

New projects for HSF GSoC in 2020 will be published in February. The application period will open in mid-March, but discussions about application ideas with mentors will take place the month before. You can monitor our website in order to get acquainted with the projects you are interested in and to be prepared for submitting an application. Meanwhile you may want to take a look at last year’s HSF GSoC projects since many of those may propose subjects also this year.

Learn more here.