Internship Series - Telvent

Televent Offers International Career Opportunities
Televent Offers International Career Opportunities

Telvent, established in 1941, is a global IT and information services provider. The company is involved in various sectors, including transportation, agriculture, energy, and environment. Companies make strategic decisions based off of information provided to them by Telvent.

The company controls traffic of 9,000 intersections, provides traffic information to 56 million people a year, and manages the train networks used by 2.5 billion people. With 6,000 employees and 17 worldwide offices, Telvent allows its employees to have a significant impact on the world around them.

What You Need To Know:

The company has eight areas of business expertise: agriculture, environment, global services, oil and gas, smart grid, smart cities, trading, and transportation. These concentrations rely heavily on increasing efficiency and eco-friendliness through technological advancement and implementation.

Telvent provides five reasons why you should work for them: they're involved in meaningful business, they're global, they're a mid-sized company, they invest in their employees, and they encourage creative thinking. Taking risks and introducing new ideas will make you a resource in the company. If you love innovation, this is the place for you.

Telvent places a strong emphasis on Research and Development. Because of the work Telvent does, it is critical to stay competitive. They have nine facilities located in the US, Canada, Spain, Australia, and Serbia. US locations include Texas, Colorado, Nebraska, Minnesota, and Maryland. In the last two years, the company has spent $118 million which launched 50 new projects. CSE graduates are most likely to work in this area.

Application Process:

Interviews with the company tend to be causal and relaxed, and the process is straight forward. Once you apply, the company will contact you for a phone interview and an on-site interview if HR determines that you are a good match.

For IT positions, you will be expected to answer some technical problems. Be prepared with questions and demonstrate curiosity both in the company and in their current research. Explain why you are a good fit for the role and what research you have completed during your degree that will demonstrate creative thinking.

If you have any questions, please contact Telvent at

More information can be found on the company's website at