Interested in learning about what it's like to work at Facebook and its various internship and full time opportunities? Attend upcoming events and apply at the Facebook Careers page.
September Highlights:
9/21 | Black@ FB Panel Discussion
Join a panelist of engineers at Facebook as they discuss
their current work, their path to Facebook, and what it's
like to navigate the tech industry as a Black engineer
9/23 | Facebook University (FBU) Program FYI
Are you a freshman or sophomore? Dial into this informational session about Facebook University, our introductory 8-week internship program
9/24 | Latinx@ FB Panel Discussion
Learn from Latinx engineers about their journey in tech,
how Facebook is supporting the Latinx community, and
the exciting work that each engineer is doing at Facebook
To see more events and the event details, please visit our Facebook Fall Recruiting event page.