Enroll in CSCE 396: Security in Practice

Enroll in CSCE 396: Security in Practice.
Enroll in CSCE 396: Security in Practice.

CSCE 396: Security in Practice
3 credits
MWF 9:30-10:20 a.m. (via Zoom)
Instructor: Bhuvana Gopal

This course will introduce students to Web Application Security and Cloud Based Security concepts through a series of hands on labs on various technologies. The OWASP Top Ten guidelines have been the gold standard in Web Application Security and we will explore some of those guidelines in depth including topics such as Injection, Cross-Site Scripting and Sensitive Data Exposure. As for Cloud Security, this course will introduce students to two cloud platforms- Amazon AWS and Microsoft Azure, and have students work through these using free credits provided by these cloud platforms.

Ameritas will be our industry partner and will provide us with real world insights on many of these topics throughout the course through Zoom sessions.

This course can count as a technical elective. Mode of instruction will be web conferencing (Zoom). There will be no course project, but the entire course will be based on hands on labs conducted throughout the course.