GPN-WHPC hosting talk with Jingyan Fu

Great Plains Network Women in High Performance Computing
Great Plains Network Women in High Performance Computing

"Neuromophic Computing: from Zero to HPC"
Jingyan Fu, North Dakota State University
Wednesday, April 28
12–1 PM CST
Join by Zoom:

Description: Jingyan Fu is currently pursuing her Ph.D. degree in Electrical and Computer Engineering at North Dakota State University (NDSU). Her research focuses on emerging device-based hardware design and performance optimization for neuromorphic computing systems. Since 2018 she works as a student intern in the NDSU Center for Computationally Assisted Science and Technology (CCAST), including semesters when she is appointed as ND ESPCoR’s Graduate Student CI Assistant. At CCAST, her responsibilities include building software packages, developing tutorials, and helping train researchers on proper and efficient use of shared HPC resources. Most of her current research work is HPC-enabled.

Great Plains Network Women in High Performance Computing (GPN-WHPC) is Chapter of the International Women in High Performance Computing (WHPC) organization. The chapter is open for everyone, and its primary goal is to promote diverse and inclusive environment for all HPC researchers as well as researchers interested in using and learning about HPC resources.

GPN-WHPC is very excited to announce its invited guest speaker, Jingyan Fu from North Dakota State University, for this week's meeting.

As a reminder, GPN-WHPC has open discussions every second Wednesday of the month and a speaker every fourth Wednesday, both running from 12–1 PM CST. The organization will use the same Zoom room for all foreseeable future meetings, so feel free to add this link to your calendar reminders.

Reach out to GPN-WHPC if you have any questions or are interested in being a future speaker. Everyone is welcome to join the meetings and encouraged to bring coworkers, friends and allies!