Engineering Pitch Competition 2022
March 23, 2022
4 p.m.
Othmer Hall, Room 106
Graduate and undergraduate students at the University of Nebraska–Lincoln are invited to participate in the 2022 Engineering Pitch Competition. The Pitch Competition will take place on Wednesday, March 23 at 4 p.m. at the College of Engineering: Othmer Hall, Room 106.
Teams can have 1-5 participants, with at least one participant from the College of Engineering. There are two categories: one for undergraduate students and one for graduate students. The team must be focused on solving an engineering problem. The competition is judged based on participants’ ability to identify an important problem, formulate a value proposition related to solving that problem, estimate market size and describe their business model. Technical details will only be discussed at a very high level.
The competition features awards for the top three teams in each category. All award money must be used to further develop the business idea (travel, materials for prototypes, etc.):
Graduate Student Category
-1st place: $1,500
-2nd place: $750
-3rd place: $500
Undergraduate Student Category
-1st place: $1,500
-2nd place: $750
-3rd place: $500
Please note: Registration closes on Wednesday, March 9, 2022 at 4 p.m. (two weeks before the Pitch). If you are still interested in registering for the Engineering Pitch Competition after that point, please contact:
• Joy Eakin, Entrepreneurship Program Manager, NUtech Ventures, jeakin@nutechventures.org
• Zane Gernhart, Senior Technology Manager, NUtech Ventures, zgernhart@nutechventures.org
Register online at: go.unl.edu/2022engineeringpitch today!