KPStrat is hiring a part-time software application developer.
Job Description and Objective: Be comfortable in devoting (payable) time to (a.) achieving familiarity with the primary products, services, and curriculum (offerings) of a business consultancy, and (b.) independently and confidentially assessing the same relative to feasibility and potential relevance for developing a software application to deliver versions of this consultancy’s services reliably, efficiently, and effectively to businesses across sectors.
Projected Start Date: Immediately
Time and Duration of Position:Participate in 4 (payable) "discussion meetings" over 4 weeks at locations on or near UNL campus. Subsequent meetings may converge online as necessary.
Expectations & Outcomes:
1. Offer suggestions to (a.) bring generational, operational, and messaging clarity to an application, should it be deemed feasible.
2. Offer perspectives and insights for language and/or processes intended to elevate awareness of, relevance for, and favorably influence receptivity to such an application, should it be deemed feasible.
Interested students are encouraged to contact:
Michael D. Moberly