CSCE 492/892: Graph Theory for Engineers and Scientists
Instructor: J. S. Deogun
Tuesdays and Thursdays
11 AM–12:15 PM
203 Burnett Hall
This is an introductory course in elementary Graph Theory and is intended for all Science (including social sciences) and Engineering students. Accordingly, for the delivery of the course, the approach will be less formal and more intuitive. Graph Theory is a fascinating subject with applications to virtually all Science and Engineering disciplines, e.g., studying structure of hydrocarbon molecules (Chemistry), Whole Genome alignment and RNA folding (Bioinformatics), network topologies and routing and security of Additive manufacturing (Engineering), and ordering of historical events for which exact dates may not be known (Anthropology). Applications of the concepts learned will also be discussed in the class. The course will start with a review of some concepts in Mathematics and then cover basic graph theory topics such as distance, connectivity, trees, spanning trees, paths, cycles, matching, basic graph algorithms, directed graphs and networks. The course work will include two exams, 4-6 HW assignments, and one project.
Prerequisites: The course is intended for beginning graduate and junior/senior undergraduate students. The most important prerequisite is Math maturity. The course is not suitable for advanced graduate students looking for more in-depth topics in graph theory and algorithms; they should instead consider CSCE 924 Graph Algorithms.
If you have any questions, please e-mail your queries to the instructor at deogun@unl.edu.