The STOICH Project is looking for 2-3 undergraduate students to help contribute to the creation of an open-source database. A typical work week consists of 10-15 hours and is 100% remote. This position will start this fall with continuation into the spring.
Required Qualifications:
• Attention to detail
• Willingness to work individually and communicate via zoom and other online platforms (office space is available in Hardin Hall)
• Basic understanding of concepts related to biology, chemistry, ecology, or environmental science
• Significant comfort with reading scientific literature
• Personal computer with the capability of running Adobe and Microsoft Suites
Preferred Qualifications:
• Experience with Google Sheets and/or Excel
• Experience with image processing, plotting and/or mapping software desired
• Some experience with data repositories or large datasets is a plus
• Enthusiasm for learning about aquatic ecosystems or ecosystem stoichiometry!
To Apply:
Email your resume and a brief statement of interest to stoichproject@unl.edu subject line ‘STOICH Project Undergrad Position’ by Thursday, November 2nd.