Entrepreneurship, at its core, is problem solving. Janna Ronert, '87, founded IMAGE Skincare, a professional clinical brand, when she was unable to find paraben-free skincare to solve her rosacea. Since its establishment in 2003, IMAGE has grown to over 25,000 customers and is best known for changing the health and vitality of skin for women in more than 60 countries. Janna established the Husker Hustle Scholarship to help students who are passionate about their ideas and hungry for entrepreneurial success.
Sophomores and juniors of any major should apply for the $2,500 scholarship. After application, the selection committee will choose applicants that advance to the in-person presentation on April 19, 2024. All students will be notified of their advancement by April 8, 2024. Janna and two other select guests will serve as judges for the in-person presentations.
Please contact Mallory at mkrenk2@unl.edu with any questions!
More details at: https://go.unl.edu/huskerhustle