CSCE 492H-002: Special Topics in Generative AI Applications, Ethics, and Research
Credit hours: 3
Schedule: Tuesdays and Thursdays, 11:00am–12:15pm
Location: 112 KAUF
Instructor: Seth Polsley
Contact: 145 KAUF, spolsley3@unl.edu
Open to junior and senior undergraduate students, preferably with some existing familiarity of core machine learning concepts, with an interest in learning more about and working with generative AI.
Description: In recent years, generative adversarial networks (GANs) and large language models (LLMs) have transformed the field of generative AI, popularized by the launch of tools like ChatGPT. In this course, we take an approach focused around research and discussion to examine recent developments in and the implementations of these systems. We will also consider their implications and potential broader impacts, while gaining practice applying them to various domains, culminating in a class project.
Please contact Prof. Seth Polsley (spolsley3@unl.edu) for more information.