CSE Bits & Bytes | CSE Colloquium Series Presents Dr. Gail Murphy

Ice Cream Social Today

Anita Sarma, Deb Heckens, Steve Goddard, and LaRita Lang serving ice cream to students.The CSE Department's annual Spring Fling Ice Cream Social will be held Wednesday, April 17 from 2:30 p.m. to 3:30 p.m. in the basement of Avery Hall, just outside the CSE Student Resource Center. Stop by to enjoy a break from your coursework and catch up with classmates before finals. It's free! Continue reading…


Master's Project Defense: Sundeepta Achanta

Don't miss this week's defense.Sundeepta Achanta will defend her Master's Project, "Spatial Clustering Using Transportation Networks", on Wednesday, April 17 at 11:30 a.m. in 256C Avery Hall. Her advisor was Dr. Ashok Samal and committee members were Dr. Jitender Deogun and Dr. Leen-Kiat Soh. Continue reading…


National Day of Civic Hacking

Apply to be a civic hacker!Feel like using your CSE skills to help others? Applicants could be invited to the White House for a hackathon, which involves "producing full, production ready apps and visualization tools that use the new API" for online White House petitions. Applications are due by 5:00 p.m. on Friday, April 19. Continue reading…


Awards Ceremony and Graduate Recognition

2011's Award RecipientsThe Student, Faculty, and Staff Awards Ceremony will be held on Tuesday, April 23 at 3:45 p.m. This is a great opportunity to socialize with professors and classmates before the semester comes to an end. Make plans to join in the celebration and honor the achievements of our department. Continue reading…


Research Fair Recap

CSE students at the Research FairOn Thursday, April 11, some of our own CSE students participated in the Undergraduate Research Fair in the Nebraska Union. The fair gives students a chance to highlight their research to the UNL and Lincoln community. The following is a recap of CSE material from the undergraduate poster session. Continue reading…

Originally published April 17, 2013 - Submit an Item