CANCELLED: The CSE Colloquium Series Presents Dr. Gail Murphy

Professor Gail Murphy
Professor Gail Murphy

** This colloquium, featuring Dr. Gail Murphy, has been cancelled due to travel issues. **
The CSE Colloquium Series Presents Dr. Gail Murphy, professor at the Department of Computer Science of the University of British Columbia on April 18, 2013. She will speak on "Context as an Antidote to Information Overload". The talk will be held at 4 p.m. in 115 Avery Hall preceded by a reception at 3:30 p.m. in 348 Avery Hall.


Software developers who perform evolution tasks on a software system face an avalanche of information daily. These developers must deal with multiple source code elements, bug reports, system test data, questions from team members, and so on. Information mined from the historical archives of a development can provide helpful cues to developers as they perform their work, but how can this historical information be delivered effectively given the already overwhelming amount of information facing developers? In this talk, I will describe how various representations of a developer's context can help manage information overload, improve team awareness and provide an anchor for interpreting historical project information.


Gail C. Murphy is a Professor of Computer Science at the University of British Columbia. She is also a co-founder/CSO (Chief Science Officer) at Tasktop Technologies Inc. Her research interests are in improving the productivity of software developers and knowledge workers by giving them tools to identify, manage and coordinate the information that really matters for their work.

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