Sarma Makes Ten

CAREER Award Recipient Dr. Anita Sarma
CAREER Award Recipient Dr. Anita Sarma

In May Dr. Anita Sarma received the Faculty Early Career Development Program Award. The CAREER award is one of the most prestigious honors bestowed by the National Science Foundation. The award is given to faculty members who are not tenured and who exemplify the role of teacher-scholars through an outstanding research, excellent education and the integration of education and research within the context of the mission of their organization, according to the Foundation’s website. Each candidate submits a research proposal to the National Science Foundation. A recipient is chosen based on the merits of the proposal.

Sarma is in good company; within the Department of Computer Science and Engineering she is the tenth faculty member to have received this distinction. Other faculty members include: Drs. Peter Revesz, Gregg Rothermel, Matthew Dwyer, Stephen Scott, Berthe Choueiry, Sebastian Elbaum, Lisong Xu, Myra Cohen, and Mehmet Vuran.

For more information about Sarma’s award please read:

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